Sunday, August 23, 2009 -{'1:20 AM
HAPPY B'DAY BABY!!18/08/09
hope you lik wat i hav given you alritex...
-{'12:05 AM
HEY DUDES!!!yea!!!been away for quite a long time!!!and ohyah!!!back to NATIONAL DAY!!!HAPPY NATIONAL DAY!!!09/08/09
on national day, wen out with syuk, aan, fir, hazman, zaki faiz, fauze, fahan & faaliq ...met irfi at jc bus stop and wen to take the train..irfi wen off to meet s.one and off we go..when over to city hall to meet didik and another guy which i hav alr forgotten his name alr...suddenly feel lik fainting...then syuk and all bring mi over to a coffee shop to eat cause they tink tht i dun hav enough food...then eat ler..feel more comfortable ler...then when to bugis to walkwalk...then wen to penisula as zaki wanted to buy a bag over there...then walk here walk there for the whole day...then at around evening meet irfi, weishan and another guy at city hall mrt station... then off we go to see firework at marina square!!!but manage to see part of it only as it is too crowded outside marina square alr...then after the fireworks,, wen back into marina square...sort of squeeze our way though the mall??then saw mirul and rab outside mac...then wen out of the mall...slack wif them for awhile...then there is a funny part where didik's phone got probs..then he super angry..take his phone.. throwthrow on the floor..then syuk wen over to join him..snatch his phone then kick it lik soccerball...hahahas...then after that..we wen back to pasir ris... had dinner at mac and weishan, irfi, hazman all wen home...met amanda and another two malay girls..then ton for the rest of the nite wif syuk, aan, fir, faaliq, didik & amanda..thatx all ppl..there is more to say de!!!but i lazy!!!thatx all!!!
Saturday, August 1, 2009 -{'11:42 AM